900HP Nissan R34 GT-R in Tokyo - Raw Sound | 4K

Fitted with a Samsonas sequential gearbox, Charles' R34 GTR is an incredible example of a true track orientated GTR build. Enjoy this short video with only raw sounds from the shoot we had one night in Tokyo, no music needed for this at all. Just the sound of this Nissan RB26 built by Garage Saurus featuring a HKS 2.8 Step 1 stroker kit.

Owner: @cw_unit

Filmed and Edited by Ben Hartnet

Fitted with a Samsonas sequential gearbox, Charles' R34 GTR is an incredible example of a true track orientated GTR build. Enjoy this short video with only raw sounds from the shoot we had one night in Tokyo, no music needed for this at all. Just the sound of this Nissan RB26 built by Garage Saurus featuring a HKS 2.8 Step 1 stroker kit.

Owner: @cw_unit

Filmed and Edited by Ben Hartnett

「日産 GT−R」関連動画