Episode 02 次世代が描く未来の暮らし方|暮らし方のプロトタイピング #​日産​

Episode02​ |ブリコラージュの発想を取り入れて住空間を柔軟に変化させるSAMPO。​山梨の工房に眠っていたモバイルハウスをきっかけにプロジェクトが大きく動き出す。​​

Episode 2: Inspired by an abandoned mobile house found in the Yamanashi prefecture, the Sampo team explores how to transform it while incorporating the concept of bricolage.

▼暮らし方のプロトタイピング|The DRIVE MYSELF PROJECT​

▼Lifestyle Prototyping
Nissan and Sampo, a collective of next-generation creators proposing new styles of living using mobile houses, will jointly present futuristic lifestyles. This project is intended to promote the co-creation of new concepts, allowing the sharing of approaches to manufacturing nurtured by Nissan engineers. Prototypes will use Nissan batteries, ideas under development, and repurposed automotive components.


▼About the Drive myself Project
The experimental Drive Myself Project takes on the challenge of designing the future with young people. The program is focused on people in their teens and 20s, while Nissan engineers and young employees will also participate. From planning to implementation, the program will embrace and support these young people’s motivation to take on challenges by inviting guests who are creatively contributing to a better society.

Drive Myself Project website (JP): https://drive-myself-project.com/
Drive Myself Project website (EN): https://drive-myself-project.com/en/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drive_myself_project/ 
Drive Myself Project YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5CXOjDJSWd8lq2Uw-tNopA

#nissan #drivemyselfproject #lifestyle #vanlife #prototyping #genz ​​#モバイルハウス #住空間 #暮らし #暮らしのvlog #日産 #豊かな暮らし #山梨


Episode02​ |ブリコラージュの発想を取り入れて住空間を柔軟に変化させるSAMPO。​山梨の工房に眠っていたモバイルハウスをきっかけにプロジェクトが大きく動き出す。​​

Episode 2: Inspired by an abandoned mobile house found in the Yamanashi prefecture, the Sampo team explores how to transform it while incorporating the concept of bricolage.

▼暮らし方のプロトタイピング|The DRIVE MYSELF PROJECT​

▼Lifestyle Prototyping
Nissan and Sampo, a collective of next-generation creators proposing new styles of living using mobile houses, will jointly present futuristic lifestyles. This project is intended to promote the co-creation of new concepts, allowing the sharing of approaches to manufacturing nurtured by Nissan engineers. Prototypes will use Nissan batteries, ideas under development, and repurposed automotive components.


▼About the Drive myself Project
The experimental Drive Myself Project takes on the challenge of designing the future with young people. The program is focused on people in their teens and 20s, while Nissan engineers and young employees will also participate. From planning to implementation, the program will embrace and support these young people’s motivation to take on challenges by inviting guests who are creatively contributing to a better society.

Drive Myself Project website (JP): https://drive-myself-project.com/
Drive Myself Project website (EN): https://drive-myself-project.com/en/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drive_myself_project/ 
Drive Myself Project YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5CXOjDJSWd8lq2Uw-tNopA

#nissan #drivemyselfproject #lifestyle #vanlife #prototyping #genz ​​#モバイルハウス #住空間 #暮らし #暮らしのvlog #日産 #豊かな暮らし #山梨

