Welcome to MilesPerHr, where we let the car be the star.
With access to the best luxury and performance vehicles, we produce 3 core segments:
1) POV Drive Reviews (4K): These real-world POV (point-of-view) drives put you behind the wheel of new cars, trucks, and SUVs as Miles shares his expert impressions
2) POV Night Drives (4K): These real-world POV (point-of-view) night drives put you behind the wheel of new cars, trucks, and SUVs. These are filmed without commentary or music.
3) Live Q&A's: Tune in to weekly Live Q&A videos to get your questions answered in real time and (hopefully) have a few laughs.
Please visit milesperhr.com for more information, and follow on Instagram + TikTok (@milesperhr).
For business inquiries, please use the email provided below.
Thank you, and enjoy the ride!